Bring in a neutral, external perspective and implement changes and projects effectively!

30 years of experience in over 100 projects at numerous companies, curiosity, openness and ongoing training give me the opportunity to actively support you comprehensively and competently in your endeavor.

You have an idea or a challenge and I support you in developing and implementing a suitable solution. For my clients, I do everything it takes to implement changes and projects systematically and reliably in order to achieve the desired benefits to the full extent:


Change is my business, projects my expertise.


Do you have an idea and are not sure how you want to tackle it? Or you have a concrete strategy or concept and now want to implement it? Or you want to bring a third party's opinion to an important project?

Thanks to my extensive experience, I can provide you with effective support. I will be happy to show you what a possible, suitable approach could look like using methods, models, best practices and, above all, concrete examples. This can be an agile or sequential approach. And I will actively support you in setting up and planning, but also in the evaluation, implementation and integration of suitable tools to drive digitalization forward.

  • Coaching and support of a project manager
  • Establishment of a project organization or a project management office
  • Introduction of a modern project method
  • Consulting and support for agile transformation
  • Implementing the strategy with portfolios
  • Evaluation and introduction of project and portfolio management tools

I would also be happy to advise you on the design and implementation of customer-centric Strategies, re-structuring of Organizations, customer oriented Service Management incl. Service Catalog, efficient and effective Processes, evaluation and implemention of Outsourcing, effective and pragmatic Digitalization, evaluation, spezification, development and implementation of IT Solutions

OMEGA IT-Consulting - Neutral Consulting!


I am happy to manage complex programs and projects, changes and transformations for you and lead them efficiently and predictably to the desired result. Topics can include strategy, organization, services, processes and IT, usually with advancing digitalization and increasing agility. It is often a combination of these.

  • Lead and management of Programs and Projects
  • Professional management of the PMO / project support
  • New direction and implementation of the strategy
  • Restructuring the organization
  • Increasing service orientation
  • Optimizing business and IT processes
  • Implementing outsourcing
  • Digitizing the organization
  • Developing, introducing and deploying IT solutions
  • Developing and implementing concepts

OMEGA IT-Consulting - Hands-on doing


With systematic reviews and assessments, I give my clients the opportunity to have projects, services, organization or business agility evaluated by an external, neutral person and to receive concrete suggestions for improvement.

  • Project Reviews - in the event of disruptions, after phases or at completion
  • Service and Process Assessments - systematic evaluation with a reference model

OMEGA IT-Consulting - Systematic and transparent!

I am happy to support you in your projects. Describe me your needs in a first discussion without any obligations. I listen carefully and show you potential approaches or different scenarios and how I can support you. I look forward to getting in touch with you!

Peter Roth

OMEGA IT-Consulting GmbH
Loorenstrasse 8
CH-8635 Duernten ZH

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